Samuel: we want a king!

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Samuel 8:1-11:15 Focus: 1 Samuel 8:6-9 As people, as physical beings, we desire tangible objects to associate and interpret our world. The basis of science is the observable world, not the invisible and intangible—that which is intangible remains under the category…

Deuteronomy: I told you so…

Cover to Cover Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-2:37 Focus: Deuteronomy 1:41-45 There is one particular line that I dread hearing from my parents… “I told you so.” It’s a line many of us never wish to hear. Yet, in our arrogance we think that our own ability and…

Numbers: following in His steps…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 7:1-10:10 Focus: Numbers 9:15-23 In the army, soldiers submit to the authority of the commanding officer. When the commander makes the decision to move out, everyone moves out; when he makes the decision to camp, everyone sets up camp. There is little…

Exodus: wherever He may go...

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 37:17-40:38 Focus: Exodus 40:34-38 Have you ever been in a train of cars following someone to a destination? If you don’t know where you’re going, you have no choice but to follow that person, even if they get lost, you…