6 Ways to Reach God's World: Go

As Christians, as disciples of Jesus, Jesus commissions us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). There’s no way around it. In my last article, I explored what it meant to go, but as one of my readers commented, the emphasis is not in the “going” but in…

Psalms: God’s way, the best way

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 18-21 Focus: Psalm 19 There have been times when I’ve often questioned, “God, are you sure? Is this really the way you want me to go?” Filled with doubt, confusion and endless questions of where God is taking me in life. It’s not…

Samuel: we want a king!

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Samuel 8:1-11:15 Focus: 1 Samuel 8:6-9 As people, as physical beings, we desire tangible objects to associate and interpret our world. The basis of science is the observable world, not the invisible and intangible—that which is intangible remains under the category…