Exodus: for a better world?

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 18:1-21:36 Focus: Exodus 21:1-11 In a world where Patriarchy is viewed with disdain, where Feminism seeks equality, the argument often draws upon ancient Patriarchal systems where women were viewed with inequality and treated unfairly. However, as one explores the instalment of social…

Moses: just enough…

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 15:1-17:16 Focus: Exodus 16:13-30 Why is it so hard to trust in God? When Jesus taught, “Do not worry” on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25-34) and that God would provide the needs of His people, Jesus meant that we…

Moses: the Passover allegory

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 12:1-14:31 Focus: Exodus 12:21-23 Let’s get straight to the point. Half the time when we read the Old Testament, it’s hard to understand how everything fits. The stories are nice, but sometimes they just seem like myths and legends of…

Moses: a well-timed hand

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 8:20-11:10 Focus: Exodus 8:22-24; 9:5-7; 9:13-26 Reading through the Plague narrative, one cannot help but wonder at what it would have been like to go through each event and see a nation ravaged by the hand of God through the…

Moses: why wait?

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 5:1-8:19 Focus: Exodus 8:8-11 There are times in our lives when we want change, we want to move forward, we want things to start fresh and new. With a new year, we make “New Year resolutions” that we never seem to keep.…

Moses: you have no idea...

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 1:1-4:31 Focus: Exodus 3:11-4:17 As Christians, I wonder if we have any idea who we’re dealing with sometimes… We claim to believe in God Almighty; that we are saved by the Lord Jesus Christ; that we live life empowered by…