Meditations on Ephesians 1:19b–21

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 27th May 2020. Power. We all want it. We might not want absolute power or political power. But we all want power over some aspect of our lives. In most cases, power to achieve good things. It might be power over…

Husband Hassles

Don’t let the title fool you, my wife does not hassle me. What hassles me are the heights of Scripture! Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with…

You might have LV, but I got JC

Recently, I was a participant in the great Boxing Day sales! Not being an avid shopper or in need of anything in particular, you might wonder why I was there. Well, to the disbelief of some, I was there to catch up with friends. Walking around, shopping for a few…

Why bother?

Ephesians 1:3-14 (Link) This passage, quite interestingly enough, is one sentence (in Greek). With that in mind, this passage can not be neatly broken up and understood in its various verses as we have traditionally done so. While there is worth in the things that are mentioned, it carries…