Meditations on Genesis 45:7

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 19th August 2020. During this pandemic, one of the critical issues for the Christian is: How do we persevere in our faith through this time? How do we get to the other side? How does the church continue to encourage her…

Meditations on Genesis 25:34

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 15th July 2020. We read at the end of Genesis 25 a story about Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac. On a particular day, we find Jacob cooking food and Esau returning from the hunt hungry. The famished Esau pleads…

Joseph: to influence a generation

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 47:13-50:26 Focus: Genesis 48:1-49:28 What influence does the lives of one generation have upon the next? It’s not something we often think about, nor is it something that is easily accounted for unless one was extremely familiar with family history…

Joseph: planned in advance

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 44:1-47:12 Focus: Genesis 45:3-11 The blessing of hindsight is one I’m sure we wish we could replace with foresight. It’s all fine and well to look back and see how it all fits together, but to go through all the…

Joseph: a dream come true

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 42:1-43:34 Focus: Genesis 42:1-9 You’ve been betrayed, you’ve been burnt, but you move on in life and you start a new life with the past behind you. But then, somewhere down the line, the past catches up… often at the…

Joseph: the golden touch

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 39:1-41:57 Focus: Genesis 39:2-6, 20-23 There is an ancient Greek myth about a king who wished that everything he touched turned to gold. The story of King Midas is often told with the moral that selfishness, greed and prosperity does not always…

Judah: didn't see that one coming...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 35:16-38:30 Focus: Genesis 38:1-26 The final chapters of Genesis focus upon the story of Joseph and the preservation of the growing tribes of Israel. One chapter that is often missed in the Joseph story, as it is not about Joseph himself, is…

Jacob: a new brother...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 32:1-35:15 Focus: Genesis 32:1-12 There is hope! For all of us siblings who grew up fighting and arguing, there is hope! What would seem one of the most difficult situations to reconcile, we find that age and maturity changes things. The story…