Matthias James Luu

On 2 January 2019, we were blessed with a gift from God (Matthias), who we pray will grow into a follower of God (James). Matthias James Luu was safely born at 5.06pm (local time), weighing 3.205kg (7lbs). A gift is a something special You know not what you…

The Real Christmas Story: how well do you know it?

The count is on. It’s two weeks until Christmas! The decorations are going up, the light shows are starting, and the community Christmas carols fill the weekends. Like most people, I grew up with “real” Christmas story depicted by the classical nativity scene where Jesus was born in a…

[Press Release] Luu family welcomes E. M. Luu

On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 2:48pm the Luu family—currently residing in Brisbane, Australia—welcomed into the world, Emily Maree Luu. Emily arrived with great gusto after a four-hour labour, weighing in at 3.03kg (6 lb. 11 oz). Julie (mother) progressed through the labour valiantly, though wanted…

David: torn between love and duty…

Cover to Cover Reading: 2 Samuel 18:1-20:3 Focus: 2 Samuel 19:1-8 Do you ever find yourself torn between the pull of those you love and the pull of the duty and responsibility you have elsewhere? In the most difficult circumstances, you desire one thing for those you…

Getting through each day...

It’s been just over two months now since dad passed away. For the most part, life seems as though it’s back to normal…almost. As the eldest son in the family, there has been an underlying current which has distinctly changed my personality. Mostly obvious to me, I’…