Meditations on Romans 6:1-2

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 24th June 2020. Sin. What thoughts start to form? What emotions do you begin to feel? What memories enter your mind? What guilt fills your heart? Does it discourage you? Burden you? Overcome you? If you’re discouraged… If you’re…

Words of encouragement: timeless assurance

I love Joseph. He’s now two years old. My greatest concern is how I will equip Him in life and faith. 10 years ago, this was a distant thought; instead I was challenged by the secularist university around me and how I would live out my faith among my…

Saul: cause and effect…

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Chronicles 10:1-14 Focus: 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 It is hard to deny that life is full of cause-and-effect. You act one way, the cause, and things will turn out another, the effect. If you touch a hot stove, expect to be burnt. If you…

Deuteronomy: because you’re NOT worth it…

Cover to Cover Reading: Deuteronomy 9:1-11:32 Focus: Deuteronomy 9:1-6 One of today’s popular mantras is: “Because you’re worth it…” The self-worth of individuals is forever being promoted, all under the guise of building self-esteem, personal confidence; it is, let’s be honest, a shameless lie…

Numbers: only by blood…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 14:1-16:35 Focus: Numbers 15:22-36 With children, when they make a genuine mistake, parents are gentle and understanding. However, when they deliberately disobey or cause trouble, parents need to discipline them. One of the hardest things for parents is to draw the fine…

Leviticus: a two-faced God?

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 26:1-27:34 Focus: Leviticus 26:1-46 When people ask you to describe a person, you generally gravitate to their pleasant and good characteristics, or if it’s someone you dislike, you generally gravitate to their more negative (in your opinion) characteristics. Rarely do people…

Leviticus: forever free…

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 23:1-25:55 Focus: Leviticus 25:1-55 We live in a world where the rich are only getting richer, and the poor are only getting poorer. Over the generations, the status of families and businesses have overpowered and domineered over those who simply have not…