Meditations on Genesis 25:34

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 15th July 2020. We read at the end of Genesis 25 a story about Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac. On a particular day, we find Jacob cooking food and Esau returning from the hunt hungry. The famished Esau pleads…

Joseph: to influence a generation

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 47:13-50:26 Focus: Genesis 48:1-49:28 What influence does the lives of one generation have upon the next? It’s not something we often think about, nor is it something that is easily accounted for unless one was extremely familiar with family history…

Jacob: a new brother...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 32:1-35:15 Focus: Genesis 32:1-12 There is hope! For all of us siblings who grew up fighting and arguing, there is hope! What would seem one of the most difficult situations to reconcile, we find that age and maturity changes things. The story…

Jacob: competition of love...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 29:31-31:55 Focus: Genesis 29:31-30:24 In this account of the birth of Jacob’s first 11 sons, we find each son given name with meaning. Respective to the situation of their birth, each son was named accordingly. While the names are important,…

Jacob: only if...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 26:1-29:30 Focus: Genesis 28:20-22 How often are we tempted to say, or do we hear people say, “God if you do this in my life, I’ll believe in you!” It defies the very nature of faith, and yet, this is what…

Jacob: chosen for rivalry

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 24:1-25:34 Focus: Genesis 25:19-26 With the days of Abraham behind us, we move to the next generation of the Promise, Isaac and the birth of his sons, Jacob and Esau. One of the standout features of the story of Genesis, reflected in…