Meditations on Philippians 1:21

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 23rd September 2020. Do you feel that the day to day of your life is mundane? As though your life is insignificant? Like nothing you do truly matters? Or maybe you’re simply too distracted or tired that you don’t…

Meditations on Exodus 3:14

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 2nd September 2020. We all want good things. We might want different things, but the things we want are the things we think are good. But if we’re honest, we know there are some things that really aren’t good…

Meditations on Ephesians 1:19b–21

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 27th May 2020. Power. We all want it. We might not want absolute power or political power. But we all want power over some aspect of our lives. In most cases, power to achieve good things. It might be power over…

Meditations on Acts 17:24-25

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 20th May 2020. One of the challenges of parenting is realising I, as a parent, cannot determine my child’s life. I can provide them with food and clothes, but I can’t make them grow healthy and strong. I can…

Meditations on 1 Peter 1:18-19

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 29th April 2020. I want to kick off with a question. Are you satisfied with life? Like, really satisfied? I’m talking about all life, not the separate boxes of life. Total satisfaction in how every part makes up life. Me?…