6 Ways to Reach God's World: Welcome

In times past, the mandate of world missions involved jumping on a boat and going to a distant country where you would travel, either by foot or saddle-back/animal-drawn modes of transport, from province to province, state to state, city to city, town to town in order to reach the…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Send

Not every Christian is called to go overseas (but we are all called to make disciples). Instead, there are those God calls to remain at home and make disciples. Additionally, for those at home, He calls them to participate in His world-wide mission to reach the world with the gospel…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Go

As Christians, as disciples of Jesus, Jesus commissions us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). There’s no way around it. In my last article, I explored what it meant to go, but as one of my readers commented, the emphasis is not in the “going” but in…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Pray

The single, most underestimated way to reach God’s world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is prayer. The emphasis upon prayer prevails over any means to accomplish the work of the Kingdom of God. Take the Jesus’ following comments: Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Learn

I’m almost 30 years old, half of which was spent in an educational institution (aka. school). I’ve spent over a decade learning information and skills that are intended to carry me through my adult life. As David T. Freeman once said: “The more you know, the more you…