Meditations on Matthew 10:40–42

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 1st July 2020. What can you afford to give away? Do you give regularly to charity, church, and missions? What do you do with your possessions? Are you generous with what you have? Or do you think that you can’t…

Exodus: we’ve got enough…

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 34:1-37:16 Focus: Exodus 36:2-7 In the world of church and ministry, there are costs involved. Though driven and funded through the generosity of believers, it is always a point of contention as there never seems to be enough (or budgets never seem…

Moses: just enough…

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 15:1-17:16 Focus: Exodus 16:13-30 Why is it so hard to trust in God? When Jesus taught, “Do not worry” on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:25-34) and that God would provide the needs of His people, Jesus meant that we…