A Father's Prayer

A poetic prayer I wrote for myself for Father’s Day this year. I don’t want to be a good dad, I want to be a godly one. I don’t want to be a fun dad, I want to be a faithful one. I wish I was a…

Hudson Taylor: backed by prayer

I’m reading through Hudson Taylor’s biography, J. Hudson Taylor: a man in Christ (OMF Books Australia) by Rodger Steer. As I read through this, I’m reminded of the legacy of prayer by which we live as Christians. This truth is illustrated and challenged by the story of…

The weariness of prayer

I am weary. I am distracted. My spirit is willing, but my mind and body are weak. I am spiritually lethargic. The fellowship of my spiritual brothers and sisters alone carry the passions of my soul, yet alone I find myself dragging my spiritual feet in the dirt of dreariness.…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Pray

The single, most underestimated way to reach God’s world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is prayer. The emphasis upon prayer prevails over any means to accomplish the work of the Kingdom of God. Take the Jesus’ following comments: Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and…

Parenting Confession: a moment of frustration

It’s happened. I’ve felt like shaking my baby to silence it. I’ve wanted to throw him against the wall because I’ve had enough. I’m frustrated, angry, and worst of all, defeated. I feel disempowered, ill-equipped, and unable to be the father I want to be.…

TM Prayer Consultation

What happens when you bring a group of people from different backgrounds together with the desire of seeing God’s kingdom come?? What happens when these people join together in worship of one God? What happens when these people sit around a table to openly discuss the critical importance of…

Saul: when God no longer speaks…

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Samuel 26:1-29:11 Focus: 1 Samuel 28:4-7, 15-19 You ever wonder if it’s ever possible that God no longer listens to someone… that God would turn His back on someone… that God would, heaven forbid, reject someone?! It’s hard to say,…

Joshua: strong supports…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 1:1-6:27 Focus: Joshua 1:12-18 A leader is only as good as those who follow him. After all, what good is a leader who has no followers? Kinda pointless to be a leader when no one follows you… What is worse is you…