Words of encouragement: timeless assurance

I love Joseph. He’s now two years old. My greatest concern is how I will equip Him in life and faith. 10 years ago, this was a distant thought; instead I was challenged by the secularist university around me and how I would live out my faith among my…

Light vs. Dark: do Christians still sin?

One of my struggles as a Christian was coming to terms with my sinfulness. “I’m a born-again Christian, why do I still sin?” It’s a question many of us ask. Yet, while we are justified (made right with God) by the blood of Jesus Christ, we are still…

David: a voice of influence

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Chronicles 22:2-26:19 Focus: 1 Chronicles 22:11-13 One of the greatest things that a parent can do for their children is to exhort them and bless them in all they set out to do. If there is anything that children will treasure in…

Joshua: strong supports…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 1:1-6:27 Focus: Joshua 1:12-18 A leader is only as good as those who follow him. After all, what good is a leader who has no followers? Kinda pointless to be a leader when no one follows you… What is worse is you…