Joshua: one who keeps his word…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 18:1-21:45 Focus: Joshua 18:43-45 It is almost an unwritten expectation these days that people will not keep their promises. The value of people’s words no longer carry much weight. With the ever-growing community of the Internet, it seems that everyone has…

Abraham: doubt and worry

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 18:1-20:18 Focus: Genesis 18:1-15 The story of Abraham is one of great anticipation, of which the central focus is God’s promise to make Abraham into a great nation. However, it is also a story of human disruption in the divine plan,…

Abraham: one-sided promise

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 14:1-17:27 Focus: Genesis 15:1 – 21 As we enter into this stage of Abraham’s life, he had just fought against the Canaanite kings (think clan chieftains rather than national kings) after his nephew Lot was captured in a recent battle (see Genesis…