Meditations on Psalm 118:1-2

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 15th April 2020. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Psalm 118:1-2 (NIV) This past weekend we celebrated Easter and remembered the death and resurrection of Jesus.…

The weariness of prayer

I am weary. I am distracted. My spirit is willing, but my mind and body are weak. I am spiritually lethargic. The fellowship of my spiritual brothers and sisters alone carry the passions of my soul, yet alone I find myself dragging my spiritual feet in the dirt of dreariness.…

Parenting Confession: a moment of frustration

It’s happened. I’ve felt like shaking my baby to silence it. I’ve wanted to throw him against the wall because I’ve had enough. I’m frustrated, angry, and worst of all, defeated. I feel disempowered, ill-equipped, and unable to be the father I want to be.…

Psalms: Blessings renown

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 66-69 Focus: Psalm 67 In Jewish theology, there is an aspect of their understanding of God’s blessing which is fascinating. However, even in Jewish thought, blessings are often seen as God’s gift and pleasure for the recipients. We are blessed because God sees…

Psalms: You are worthy!

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 58-65 Focus: Psalm 65 So often, it is easy for us to get lost in our situation and lose sight of things which are more important. Especially when things are difficult, when life seems dry, it is in these moments where it seems difficult to…

Psalms: leave it to me!

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 51-57 Focus: Psalm 55 The psalms are often raw with emotion, honest and open, and simply, human. They don’t pretend as if the world should be perfect; they don’t try and justify God’s actions; rather, they often reflect the reality of the…

Psalms: praise, praise, praise!

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 45-50 Focus: Psalm 47 One of the curiosities of modern Christianity is the aspect of worship. Indeed, most religions have an aspect of worship, but they are often solemn and reserved. The images often associated with worship are rituals, chants, ceremonies, liturgies, etc. However, worship…

Psalms: the cry of the soul…

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 39-44 Focus: Psalm 42-43 So many Christians struggle in times when they feel down, discouraged, or despondent. They think to themselves that they should never feel that way, that as Christians, these circumstances should be easily overcome. Yet the harsh reality is that our faith…