6 Ways to Reach God's World: Learn

I’m almost 30 years old, half of which was spent in an educational institution (aka. school). I’ve spent over a decade learning information and skills that are intended to carry me through my adult life. As David T. Freeman once said: “The more you know, the more you…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: “going” in the Great Commission

The Great Commission, missions, missionary—these words are thrown around in Christian circles, usually, with a particular connotation of “going” somewhere to evangelise/share the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a sense of sacrifice, giving up some level of material comfort for the sake of the gospel, or leaving…

Noah's Ark found? The impact upon the Gospel

Tonight, I was at a presentation of the alleged discovery of Noah’s Ark. As I sat there and listened, I began to reflect upon the significance, if any, that this could potentially have upon the Christian faith. Then I started to realise and asked myself this question: Does the…

Psalms: Blessings renown

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 66-69 Focus: Psalm 67 In Jewish theology, there is an aspect of their understanding of God’s blessing which is fascinating. However, even in Jewish thought, blessings are often seen as God’s gift and pleasure for the recipients. We are blessed because God sees…

Friendship Evangelism

A topic of recent discussion with some friends was about “friendship evangelism”. It’s a phrase that has been tossed around evangelism and mission circles with plenty of material to accompany it. I’m not particularly up-to-date on what’s been written, what’s good and bad, etc. however, the…

Still unknown...

My dear friends, I have often been challenged by the necessity of the Gospel to be shared among the nations. As many of you know, I have a heart to share the Gospel to the people of Japan. In a recent article written by a missionary in Mongolia, a question…