David: torn between love and duty…

Cover to Cover Reading: 2 Samuel 18:1-20:3 Focus: 2 Samuel 19:1-8 Do you ever find yourself torn between the pull of those you love and the pull of the duty and responsibility you have elsewhere? In the most difficult circumstances, you desire one thing for those you…

Leviticus: what in blazes…?

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 8:1-10:20 Focus: Leviticus 10:1-5 There are times when we question the laws that govern our society: minors (under 18 years) cannot purchase cigarettes, but they can smoke; in Melbourne (Victoria) only a qualified electrician may change broken light bulbs otherwise inviting a…

Amos: no different from the rest…

Reading: Amos 1:1 – 3:2 (Link) For the most part, I consider myself a fairly patient and tolerant person (I said, for the most part). However, there are times, I’m sure you’ve had also, where enough is enough and you just need to put your foot down.…