Joshua: God with a vengeance!

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 10:16-13:33 Focus: Joshua 11:20 One of the greatest difficulties that people have wrestled with in regards to the character of God is his wrath. In hope to reconcile this God of wrath and judgment, many people have attempted to reject or re-interpret…

Numbers: the high price of obedience…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 20:1-22:21 Focus: Numbers 20:6-12 In the world that we live in, it seems there has always been a high price for doing the right thing. You don’t get to your destination as fast because you keep to the speed limit; your…

Leviticus: a two-faced God?

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 26:1-27:34 Focus: Leviticus 26:1-46 When people ask you to describe a person, you generally gravitate to their pleasant and good characteristics, or if it’s someone you dislike, you generally gravitate to their more negative (in your opinion) characteristics. Rarely do people…

Leviticus: because I am God!

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 16:1-19:37 Focus: Leviticus 19:1-37 Don’t you hate it when your parents give you the response, “Because I told you so!” It’s not that you disagree with what they want you to do (ahem!) but you just want to know the…

A selfish, egotistical God...

In my reading for my theology class, I came across one paragraph which has really stood out: The essence of sin does not lie in preferring ourselves to others, but in preferring some finite thing to the supreme value, God. Thus, even an unselfish preference of some other person rather…