Meditations on Philippians 1:21

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 23rd September 2020. Do you feel that the day to day of your life is mundane? As though your life is insignificant? Like nothing you do truly matters? Or maybe you’re simply too distracted or tired that you don’t…

Meditations on Psalm 86:11

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 22nd July 2020. What is the your way of life? What path do you walk? In a world of mantras and memes, what model of life do you follow? Every single day, voices from every direction compete for our attention. Each…

Husband Hassles

Don’t let the title fool you, my wife does not hassle me. What hassles me are the heights of Scripture! Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with…

Psalms: You are worthy!

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 58-65 Focus: Psalm 65 So often, it is easy for us to get lost in our situation and lose sight of things which are more important. Especially when things are difficult, when life seems dry, it is in these moments where it seems difficult to…

Psalms: praise, praise, praise!

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 45-50 Focus: Psalm 47 One of the curiosities of modern Christianity is the aspect of worship. Indeed, most religions have an aspect of worship, but they are often solemn and reserved. The images often associated with worship are rituals, chants, ceremonies, liturgies, etc. However, worship…

Psalms: why do you care?

Cover to Cover Reading: Psalms 1-8 Focus: Psalm 8 Have you ever been out in the middle of the night, with a clear night sky, gazing at the stars shining in all their majesty? Or, on the shores of the beach early in the morning, watching the sunrise? Or, in…

David: shameless before God

Cover to Cover Reading: 2 Samuel 3:22-6:23 Focus: 2 Samuel 6:16-23 In this day and age, most people are, generally speaking, conscious of their actions in public places. There would be few instances where people are unconscious of their behaviour in public places. The most outrageous acts…