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Temptation: the right perspective

James 1:16-18 There was one point which James emphasised in the opening verses of this letter: get the right perspective on life! He opened with a discourse on faith and trials that reminded readers that trials are there to show the true colours of a person and mature their…

Almost there...

I don’t write as candidly as I used to. There used to be a time where I would share my secrets with the world, yet there is something now, call it wisdom or cowardice – up to you, which holds me back from sharing the deepest worries with the world…

Here we go!

It’s been a while since I’ve given a reflection on the happenings in my life. All those years ago when I started my first website/blog (long, long, time ago…), the intention was to share about life and the realities that it brings. Many times, I’ve thought…

Temptation: parasite...

James 1:15 I am sad to say that the past month has seen this truth being quite evident in my own personal life, the depth, the pain, the torment that this parasite has caused…I wish I could escape this reality. The words of James speak true and speak…

Walking with one another...

Galatians 1:11-2:21 Setting the scene… The issues that had arisen to the writing of this epistle were, firstly, a false gospel taught (which we explored in the previous study), and secondly, that Paul was not a true apostle of the gospel. After his introduction that dealt with this…

No other gospel

Galatians 1:1-10 Setting the scene… The opening of Galatians pointed to Paul, the Apostle, as its author; also, it was addressed to “the churches in Galatia.” There is some debate about which churches in Galatia received the letter and when the letter was written, but these issues do not…

24 years in the making...

Not much has changed over the years. From clear, natural skin to scarred, marked skin; from a mess of hair, to a slightly different mess of hair.  Aside from different lighting conditions, there’s not much difference between the two. Life has been good to me, while it has had…