Jacob: competition of love...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 29:31-31:55 Focus: Genesis 29:31-30:24 In this account of the birth of Jacob’s first 11 sons, we find each son given name with meaning. Respective to the situation of their birth, each son was named accordingly. While the names are important,…

Jacob: only if...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 26:1-29:30 Focus: Genesis 28:20-22 How often are we tempted to say, or do we hear people say, “God if you do this in my life, I’ll believe in you!” It defies the very nature of faith, and yet, this is what…

Jacob: chosen for rivalry

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 24:1-25:34 Focus: Genesis 25:19-26 With the days of Abraham behind us, we move to the next generation of the Promise, Isaac and the birth of his sons, Jacob and Esau. One of the standout features of the story of Genesis, reflected in…

Abraham: respect

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 21:1-23:20 Focus: Genesis 23:1-20 As with each story, there is an end, at this point in the story, it is the end of Sarah’s tale. Yet, in her death we begin to see the influence and renown of Abraham among the…

Abraham: doubt and worry

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 18:1-20:18 Focus: Genesis 18:1-15 The story of Abraham is one of great anticipation, of which the central focus is God’s promise to make Abraham into a great nation. However, it is also a story of human disruption in the divine plan,…

Abraham: one-sided promise

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 14:1-17:27 Focus: Genesis 15:1 – 21 As we enter into this stage of Abraham’s life, he had just fought against the Canaanite kings (think clan chieftains rather than national kings) after his nephew Lot was captured in a recent battle (see Genesis…

Abraham: faithless

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 9:18-13:18 Focus: Genesis 12:10-20 Abraham, father of the Promise, man above men, good ol’ father Abraham… When we think of Abraham, we think of a man who left his family heritage, followed God’s call and lived a life of obedience. -cough-…

The Beginning: a new genesis

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 5:1-9:17 Focus: Genesis 9:1-7 The story of Noah marks a milestone in God’s story of Creation because, metaphorically speaking, it is a new creation. We know the story, humankind sins escalated and God’s anger was roused; God decided to wipe…