Meditations on 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 3rd June 2020. What are you good at? What secret talents do you harbour? Do you think you have any gifts? Do you instead look at other people and compare yourself to them? Do you see the gifts and talents in…

David: re-gifting?

Cover to Cover Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-24:45 Focus: 2 Samuel 24:18-25 Have you ever received something for free, without any cost, or been given a gift which you thought to give to someone else? For whatever reason, regardless, if people knew that you “re-gifted” something, just how…

Leviticus: it’s simply not good enough…

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 20:1-22:33 Focus: Leviticus 22:17-33 I used to have a violin teacher in high school, a Russian violin teacher, who was never satisfied with my progress (catalysed by my lack of practice and apathetic attitude towards her). Without fail each week she would…

Exodus: the tradesman vs the pastor

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 30:17-33:23 Focus: Exodus 31:1-11 When it comes to the creative arts, while we may recognise that all gifts and talents are God-given, it often does not receive the same recognition as other gifts and talents. When we see a strong leader, they…

Joseph: the golden touch

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 39:1-41:57 Focus: Genesis 39:2-6, 20-23 There is an ancient Greek myth about a king who wished that everything he touched turned to gold. The story of King Midas is often told with the moral that selfishness, greed and prosperity does not always…