Deuteronomy: a people of His own…

Cover to Cover Reading: Deuteronomy 24:1-27:26 Focus: Deuteronomy 26:16-19 The people of Israel have an interesting story. Starting with God’s calling of Abraham, continuing through Isaac, Jacob, and the 12 sons of Jacob—the namesakes of the 12 tribes of Israel. Through Joseph, the family of…

Exodus: wherever He may go...

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 37:17-40:38 Focus: Exodus 40:34-38 Have you ever been in a train of cars following someone to a destination? If you don’t know where you’re going, you have no choice but to follow that person, even if they get lost, you…

Judah: didn't see that one coming...

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 35:16-38:30 Focus: Genesis 38:1-26 The final chapters of Genesis focus upon the story of Joseph and the preservation of the growing tribes of Israel. One chapter that is often missed in the Joseph story, as it is not about Joseph himself, is…