Sin: no big deal...?

I’m listening to a lecture on Augustine (iTunes U = free learning) and I’m prompted by a comment about Augustine’s reflections on his life. In an event where he stole fruit, he made the comment that he did not steal for the object itself, rather he stole for…

Actions: acceptable before God

James 1:27 Religion has always been a hot topic, just bring it up with a group of people from diverse backgrounds and you’ll have an instant conversation, if not a heated argument between the fundamentalist believer and the so-called apathetic atheist. Yet, while ‘religion’ may not be the…

Actions: freedom in obedience

James 1:25 For most people, the two words ‘freedom’ and ‘obedience’ simply are not compatible. To be ‘free’ is to be unbound by submission to another authority, to be ‘obedient’ is to relinquish one’s freedom and submit to authority. Logically, they are incompatible ideals but James, and throughout…

Actions: in one ear out the other

James 1:23-24 The saying goes, “Action speaks louder than words.” Indeed, before that saying, we have the words of James: Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at…

Temptation: From God...?

James 1:13 A common misconception about Christianity and faith in God is that is the miracle cure to whatever problem you might have. So very, very wrong! As we’ve seen through the introduction of James, life is one of trials and hardship for those who faith in God.…

Faith: Approved?

James 1:12 As our faith is tested, proven and set in perspective, James then says: Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James seems to…

Faith: Proven Perspective

James 1:9-11 After James’ opening verses, his following words may seem quite confusing: The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. What the? The opening verses of trials and prayer are now turned into a practical example of how one should understand their position.…

Faith: Tested now Proven

James 1:6-8 I praise God that He is One who gives generously to all who ask, but… But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt… James has begun his letter by encouraging Christians to allow their faith to be tested and refined by trials. Through perseverance their…