Culture shock: why don’t you understand?

I’m an Australian-born Cambodian-Chinese (aka ABC). I have thick, black hair; dark brown eyes; and a fairly tanned skin tone. No, this isn’t a dating advert, but it’s a pretty standard description for most South-East Asians. It’s almost a month since my family and I moved…

The blessing of support ministries!

We’re new field missionaries. We’ve served for the past couple of years as support missionaries on the “homeside”, but now we are serving on the “field” in Taiwan for the next 18 months or so. As new cross-cultural workers, we are in the midst of transitions. We’re…

Culture shock: the early days

Well, it’s Day 4 of our new journey in Taiwan. We arrived safely last Wednesday and we were warmly welcomed by a fellow co-worker. To date, there are daily communications in the form of personal visits, phone calls, and messages from one or more of our new co-workers here…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Send

Not every Christian is called to go overseas (but we are all called to make disciples). Instead, there are those God calls to remain at home and make disciples. Additionally, for those at home, He calls them to participate in His world-wide mission to reach the world with the gospel…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Pray

The single, most underestimated way to reach God’s world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is prayer. The emphasis upon prayer prevails over any means to accomplish the work of the Kingdom of God. Take the Jesus’ following comments: Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Learn

I’m almost 30 years old, half of which was spent in an educational institution (aka. school). I’ve spent over a decade learning information and skills that are intended to carry me through my adult life. As David T. Freeman once said: “The more you know, the more you…

Now serving with OMF International

During my teenage years, God placed in my heart a passion for the nations, the time at which I thought meant going and sharing the gospel in the deserts and jungles of Africa. Since then, I’ve grown to appreciate missions begins here at home, in our own homes with…