Numbers: for your benefit…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 33:1-36:13 Focus: Numbers 35:6-15 In the life of any society, there are legal statutes in place to protect the livelihood of its people. There are enforcement agencies (e.g. police) which operate to maintain the livelihood which people expect from their social…

Numbers: living it up…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 29:12-32:42 Focus: Leviticus 23:33-43; Numbers 29:12-38 Each country has its own special holidays: the days of independence, unity, political significance, end of wars, etc. The ancient nation of Israel is no different. Throughout the year they had various festivals which they…

Numbers: fair distribution…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 26:1-29:11 Focus: Numbers 26:52-27:11 Today, we hear stories of families fighting over the inheritance at a person’s death. Where the will does not satisfy one party, lawsuits break out between rival factions and the settlement of an estate may take…

Numbers: how can I do otherwise?

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 22:22-25:18 Focus: Numbers 23:12, 26; 24:12-13 There are people in this world who are driven by a passion, motivated by a cause, moved by a need. Nothing you do can sway them from their path and they stick to it fervently…

Numbers: the high price of obedience…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 20:1-22:21 Focus: Numbers 20:6-12 In the world that we live in, it seems there has always been a high price for doing the right thing. You don’t get to your destination as fast because you keep to the speed limit; your…

Numbers: giving out of what was given…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 16:36-19:22 Focus: Numbers 18:21-32 In some corporate businesses, employees are encouraged to buy shares in the company. To encourage the practice, employees are given shares each year in the company as part of their wages. By doing so, the company seeks to…

Numbers: only by blood…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 14:1-16:35 Focus: Numbers 15:22-36 With children, when they make a genuine mistake, parents are gentle and understanding. However, when they deliberately disobey or cause trouble, parents need to discipline them. One of the hardest things for parents is to draw the fine…

Numbers: a leader’s burden…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 10:11-13:33 Focus: Numbers 11:10-30 Being up the top can be hard. There’s a lot of weight carried upon the shoulders of the head-honchos. All the responsibility of decision making, keeping people happy, leading the way into a new era of success…