David: the madness of power…

Cover to Cover Reading: 1 Samuel 20:1-22:23 Focus: 1 Samuel 22:6-19 The old saying goes, “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The double-edge sword of leadership, the power and authority of leadership, can be dangerous in the hands of anyone, even the most careful of leaders. For…

Joshua: strong supports…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 1:1-6:27 Focus: Joshua 1:12-18 A leader is only as good as those who follow him. After all, what good is a leader who has no followers? Kinda pointless to be a leader when no one follows you… What is worse is you…

Numbers: a leader’s burden…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 10:11-13:33 Focus: Numbers 11:10-30 Being up the top can be hard. There’s a lot of weight carried upon the shoulders of the head-honchos. All the responsibility of decision making, keeping people happy, leading the way into a new era of success…