Live in the world: a warning from John (Part 1)

There are times when I think it would be so much easier to enter a monastary to grow and practice my faith. Shut away from the world, removed from the problems of materialism, and distanced from the trials and temptations of living in the world. Do not love the world…

God vs Satan: a battle of sovereignty

My friend and I like to share interesting passages of Scripture which we find in our regular reading, and this morning he sent me two seemingly conflicting passages of Scripture which cause one to think about a very serious issue: does God cause man to sin? The Scriptures in question…

The Beginning: deception

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 1:1-4:26 Focus: Genesis 3:1-5 The story of Genesis—that is, literally, “the beginning”—is a story many people are familiar with. The seven days of creation, God’s creation of humankind, the story of Adam and Eve and their subsequent fall, the…