Moses: a well-timed hand

Cover to Cover Reading: Exodus 8:20-11:10 Focus: Exodus 8:22-24; 9:5-7; 9:13-26 Reading through the Plague narrative, one cannot help but wonder at what it would have been like to go through each event and see a nation ravaged by the hand of God through the…

Joseph: planned in advance

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 44:1-47:12 Focus: Genesis 45:3-11 The blessing of hindsight is one I’m sure we wish we could replace with foresight. It’s all fine and well to look back and see how it all fits together, but to go through all the…

Abraham: doubt and worry

Cover to Cover Reading: Genesis 18:1-20:18 Focus: Genesis 18:1-15 The story of Abraham is one of great anticipation, of which the central focus is God’s promise to make Abraham into a great nation. However, it is also a story of human disruption in the divine plan,…

Faith: Tested now Proven

James 1:6-8 I praise God that He is One who gives generously to all who ask, but… But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt… James has begun his letter by encouraging Christians to allow their faith to be tested and refined by trials. Through perseverance their…