Meditations on Exodus 32:11–13

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 14th October 2020. I’m not the kind of person who changes his mind easily. In this, I’m a little bit stubborn. Maybe you’re like me. Or, more likely, people like me frustrate you. However, I’m not so…

What's in a name?

Glory // 榮耀 The Chinese word for ‘glory’ is 榮耀. My Chinese name is 盧耀國. My dad’s name is 盧榮林. When you highlight the generational (middle) characters of my dad’s and my siblings’ name—榮 and 耀, respectively. What legacy will my dad and I leave to my children…

Why bother?

Ephesians 1:3-14 (Link) This passage, quite interestingly enough, is one sentence (in Greek). With that in mind, this passage can not be neatly broken up and understood in its various verses as we have traditionally done so. While there is worth in the things that are mentioned, it carries…