Meditations on Genesis 45:7

Transcript of Midweek Meditations podcast episode aired on Wednesday, 19th August 2020. During this pandemic, one of the critical issues for the Christian is: How do we persevere in our faith through this time? How do we get to the other side? How does the church continue to encourage her…

Faith: Tested by Trials #2

James 1:4-5 Foolishly, look at my comments yesterday, it would seem only natural that I should have continued a bit further. So, let me just pick up from where I was and hopefully not lose any of the momentum. James closes his first statement: Consider it pure joy, my…

Faith: Tested by Trials #1

James 1:1-3 This letter by James, the blood brother of Jesus Christ, is written to the universal church. It is one of the first preserved letters that we have and it addressed issues that any young, actually all, Christians will face in same shape or form. It it both…