Judges: seriously messed up…

Cover to Cover Reading: Judges 18:1-19:30 Focus: Judges 19:20-30 I’m speechless. To read about the depths humanity falls to truly renders me speechless. This past Tuesday night, a wheelchair bound man was beaten up by two teenagers at a Sydney railway station, robbed and left for…

Joshua: seeds of ungodliness…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 14:1-17:18 Focus: Joshua 15:63; 16:10; 17:12-18 In the 2009 release of Sherlock Holmes, the plot devices are used in such a way that each little detail comes to play a significant part in the greater scheme of the story. Sharp…

Joshua: weakest link…

Cover to Cover Reading: Joshua 7:1-10:15 Focus: Joshua 7 Where one’s leadership is as good as their followers (see yesterday’s entry), the strength of a group is only as good as its weakest link, regardless of its leadership. This was certainly the case with Israel. Already,…

Numbers: only by blood…

Cover to Cover Reading: Numbers 14:1-16:35 Focus: Numbers 15:22-36 With children, when they make a genuine mistake, parents are gentle and understanding. However, when they deliberately disobey or cause trouble, parents need to discipline them. One of the hardest things for parents is to draw the fine…

Leviticus: slaughter-house…

Cover to Cover Reading: Leviticus 1:1-4:35 Focus: Leviticus 1:1-4:35 As one reads through the details of the various sacrifices, one can’t help but notice that it paints the picture of nothing short of a slaughterhouse. Let’s not try and avoid the fact, the act…

Sin: no big deal...?

I’m listening to a lecture on Augustine (iTunes U = free learning) and I’m prompted by a comment about Augustine’s reflections on his life. In an event where he stole fruit, he made the comment that he did not steal for the object itself, rather he stole for…

A selfish, egotistical God...

In my reading for my theology class, I came across one paragraph which has really stood out: The essence of sin does not lie in preferring ourselves to others, but in preferring some finite thing to the supreme value, God. Thus, even an unselfish preference of some other person rather…

Amos: no different from the rest…

Reading: Amos 1:1 – 3:2 (Link) For the most part, I consider myself a fairly patient and tolerant person (I said, for the most part). However, there are times, I’m sure you’ve had also, where enough is enough and you just need to put your foot down.…