6 Ways to Reach God's World: Go

As Christians, as disciples of Jesus, Jesus commissions us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). There’s no way around it. In my last article, I explored what it meant to go, but as one of my readers commented, the emphasis is not in the “going” but in…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: Learn

I’m almost 30 years old, half of which was spent in an educational institution (aka. school). I’ve spent over a decade learning information and skills that are intended to carry me through my adult life. As David T. Freeman once said: “The more you know, the more you…

6 Ways to Reach God's World: “going” in the Great Commission

The Great Commission, missions, missionary—these words are thrown around in Christian circles, usually, with a particular connotation of “going” somewhere to evangelise/share the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a sense of sacrifice, giving up some level of material comfort for the sake of the gospel, or leaving…

Friendship Evangelism

A topic of recent discussion with some friends was about “friendship evangelism”. It’s a phrase that has been tossed around evangelism and mission circles with plenty of material to accompany it. I’m not particularly up-to-date on what’s been written, what’s good and bad, etc. however, the…